Day 961 | A Knee’d to Know Basis
Day 961 | A Knee’d to Know Basis
About 20 years ago I was pretty fit. A lot of years of soccer (and a couple of football) combined with some athletics and a little cricket. I considered myself really active and when random injuries occurred I generally recovered from them fast. My right knee however, hasn’t been 100% since an injury around the year 2000.
I’ve battled to sleep without it causing me grief and even just after a quick round of golf or a 5km run it would ache. I started to get used to the pain and was told it was ‘perfect’ by Drs. Then after being diagnosed with advanced arthritis 4 years ago I resigned to the fact it would always be an ongoing problem.
It wasn’t until it really started to impact my life that I took it seriously. Sleep most nights was with a pillow between my legs and the pain was getting harder and harder to cope with. I started regularly smashing pain meds and knew that wasn’t healthy either. It wasn’t until it actually stopped me doing things with Hudson because of what I’d have to deal with the next day that I knew it couldn’t continue.
So a had a scan a year ago and my ‘arthritis’ was actually a huge tear in my right knee that was not only semi-repairing itself and then tearing again, but getting larger each time…. For probably the last 20years. I’ve recently had surgery and the knee is better than it was when I was 18, and it’s going to improve even more from here on.
The moral of the story is please don’t put up with something you know isn’t right. And I’m not just talking about your health. Putting bandaids on things long term isn’t the answer, and neither is dealing with it like it’s a badge of honour. The impact on your life is far greater than you think at the time and once you are in front of it, your life changes for the better. It really does.
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