Has Real Estate changed? You bet it has. Not only does it change year on year but it’s becoming much more obvious that buyers are coming from very different places than they did before. Online is king, Social Media plays a big part but what remains as the key to this game? We think it is people. In this day and age especially, people need to feel good about the transaction, not like just a number. With so much emphasis on speed and technology, we seem to have lost the moments that matter. It’s time we got them back. So let’s not just sell houses and move on to the next one, let’s make it memorable.
Our intent is clear, to not only be great at selling houses, but to live everyday with purpose. To be positive in our approach and give back to the community so we can all thrive. There’s more than enough work for every Real Estate Agent on the NW Coast and we know we aren’t going to be the Agency for everyone, nor should we be. We are creating a new choice for those looking to sell, and who knows… maybe it’s a different approach that the market needs.
SO, What’s with history behind the name that started it all… Hudson365?
When we originally started throwing names around, Simone and I talked about making sure it had meaning. There was ‘Real Estate’ this and ‘Property Co’ that but it wasn’t until the amazing folk at S. Group turned that same-same approach completely on its head and asked me what was important. We wanted the Agency to be authentic, to be genuine... to be real. So with that in mind, we asked ourselves why we were doing this. The simple answer is for family. It’s to create a legacy and show our son that you can build something that you can be proud of each and every day, 365 days a year. His name is Hudson.
Giving Back
We wouldn't be where we are without the help of others, so in the spirit of giving, these are the legends we support. Check them out.
If you are as moved as we were, then you know what do to!
the tim blair run for kids foundation
The Tim Blair Run for Kids Foundation traces its origins back to 1994, when after a diagnosis of epilepsy, Tim began running to become fitter and healthier. As with so many others, his love for running grew and he began to run in fun runs and other events aiming to raise money for charities.
choose life services
Choose Life Services (CLS) is a non profit, privately funded non-government community service seeking to offer hope specifically to those struggling with life issues that may lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviours and to those who are impacted by suicide. CLS is a community response to a community issue.