Day 721 | Doin’ It For the Kids


Day 721 | Doin’ It For the Kids

How great is Christmas time hey. Children are all amped up waiting for the day, there’s advent calendars everywhere and don’t even get me started on the elf on the shelf. The joy on their little faces is worth all the effort though right?

As has now become tradition after last year, we went on the hunt for some presents to be given out on Christmas Day at HOPE at St Paul’s Kitchen. The rule was a gift for every sale over the year on behalf of the clients that had us on their team. The gifts aren’t from us, they are from them.

It’s a small thing that makes us feel like we are doing something positive, especially after a year that we would all like to move on from. But it became even more special after we had to have a talk with Hudson about why there were 46 gifts in the office when he came to visit.

He had no idea why some kids didn’t get things from Santa and asked if there was a reason that the presents didn’t arrive at their house...

At 7years old, he just couldn’t understand why Christmas wasn’t the same for everyone, and I bet those kids that are in less than great situations probably feel the same. So maybe the fishing rod, the netball or the scooter isn’t exactly what they would wish for but hopefully it’s the feeling of receiving a ‘gift’ that’s way more important.

A huge heartfelt thank you to Paul and the team from HOPE at St Paul’s Kitchen for their ongoing efforts to bring joy. It’s selflessness at its best and when you see how much pressure he puts himself under to give as much as he can, you understand how small our contribution really is.

#shelfelf #hopeforchristmas #givealittle #bekind #hudson365

Jazza Uptonh365