Day 224 | Party with Purpose
Day 224 | Party with Purpose
October 5th. A party is coming and it’s not your average get together...
After raising money for Love Your Sister last year, we are again looking to support their amazing cause that raises funds for Cancer research projects.
The event on Saturday the 5th October is something a little different. Gone are the cocktail dresses and suits, there’s not a 3 course meal in sight and the formalities are to a minimum. It’s a chance to grab a group of friends and just have some fun. You can play games, have a drink, enjoy some great food and raise money for charity.... and all in your trackies. This is a casual gig so we expect trackpants, hoodies, hell you can run some active wear (it might come in handy for table tennis) but just be as comfortable as you can be. It’s like having a night in with your friends, but on a night out.
Tickets are $50 and the numbers are limited so make sure you get a crew together and book yours ASAP through the event link in the comments.
Did I mention that the legendary Samuel Johnson himself will be on deck to join in the festivities? It’s bound to be a fantastic night of fun, and for the best reason.. to vanquish cancer.
So, here’s the plan... let your friends know (only the cool ones) and feel free to Share this post til your fingers hurt. We can’t wait to see all your smiling faces there!
#partywithpurpose #trackietime #thenewdevonportshow #hudson365