Day 1606 | Not so Subtle
I’ve never been a huge book guy. I’ve read probably a dozen in the last 2 years if I’m lucky and I’ve got lots of people in my life that are big readers and constantly recommending titles for me to get into.
So after being told on 476 occasions that I need to read the book pictured, I’ve now been given a copy to sink my teeth into. Last night I opened it for the first time and to my surprise, I couldn’t actually put it down.
I get easily distracted, I overthink like a champion and always have multiple things going on at once, so finding the time to settle my mind and get lost in a book seemed near impossible to me. It was a rabbit hole I didn’t expect to go down, but I’m glad I did.
As the title would portray, this one talks to the fact that we sometimes care too much about the noise in the world, especially when it relates to things that really aren’t that important. It’s less about not caring about anything and sticking your head in the sand, but instead more about punching energy into the things that mean the most and not giving the time of day to things that don’t deserve it.
We have limited time on the planet so I’m sure as anything going to make some changes and focus my energy into the things (and the people) that count. Hope you can too. And if you haven’t read this book I’m going to strongly suggest you do it…. and be ready to call yourself out on a few things.
#theFword #quietthenoise #bookworm #newroutine #hudson365