Day 806 | Sultana Bran
Day 806 | Sultana Bran
Recently it was my wife’s birthday and Hudson had a plan that involved some preparation.
Over the first 7 years of his life we’ve tried to make sure that there’s always a big fuss for Mothers and Father’s Day, Valentines and Christmas Days but maybe more than ever on someone’s birthday. We’ve framed it as the one day that people should really feel crazy special.
So leading up to his mum’s 36th birthday (sorry @simoneleslie2013) he was really firm that there were things that needed to be done in order to make the day perfect. It was one of those things in particular that made me proud.
The night before we had to do a ‘mission’ to the supermarket. I had no idea why and even less idea what for but when we got there he headed straight for the cereal aisle. Came back to me with a big box of sultana bran and said he was done.
Now it seems weird in general but even more so because Simone isn’t a huge fan of sultana bran so I quizzed him as to why it was vital to the plan (along with the presents and flowers). He told me it had to be that, because it was her favourite and she ‘deserved her favourite things’.
This stems from a Mother’s Day years prior when Hudson as a 3year old picked it off the shelf at random and Simone acted like she had won tattslotto when she ate it. So amazingly thoughtful, because of the memory of his mum being overwhelmingly happy.
It wasn’t her favourite and I’m pretty sure she would’ve loved some pancakes but the thought made it the best cereal she’s ever eaten.
So the moral of the story, sometimes people going out of their way to give us something they think we love is even better than getting something we actually love. It’s not about the cereal, it’s about the thinking behind it.
#grateful #thirtysixisold #pensioncard #hudson365