Day 614 | Yeah The Boys


Day 614 | Yeah The Boys

If anybody can tell me a better start to Father’s Day than Coco Pops in bed I’ll be very surprised. It’s just like a chocolate milkshake, only crunchy.

I don’t want to get too deep and meaningful on Dad day but here’s my 2cents anyway. As dads and mums, we have a super important role to show our kids what they should be doing with their lives in the future. So what’s the thing they should be doing? Chasing happiness.

Not making loads of money, not creating fake personas and certainly not trying to reach crazy expectations of being a surgeon or a rocket scientist. Just finding their way (with our guidance) and having the chance to do something they enjoy and have moments that matter along the trip. (See how I didn’t say journey).

As someone that grew up with the best mother on the planet, I don’t buy into the ‘dad vs mum’ conversation too much. They can both be as important as each other. As long as we always try to have the best intentions as parents, I think we will see pretty well-rounded kids that know what it’s like to have people around that love them, no matter what.

Also, how cool is my Father’s Day present. Matching T-Shirts. The kid just gets me. Thanks to Simone for making me feel a million bucks today too.

#dadday #raddad #yeahtheboys #lovehisface #hudson365

Jazza Uptonh365