Day 204 | It’s All About the Numbers
Day 204 | It’s All About the Numbers
I’ve said it before about how I used to be driven by numbers. Constantly comparing my sales numbers to others, taking stats on everything and being disappointed in myself if I was off target. These days the more important numbers are the ones I’m teaching my son.
We have this thing we’ve done for years and my Facebook friends would have seen it before. Little notes on the bathroom mirror that meant when I left for work before the house had woken up, they felt like I was still there saying good morning. Sometimes treasure hunts, sometimes jobs to do for mum to help around the house, and sometimes just a note to say ‘I love you’.
Now it’s maths. I absolutely loved maths in school and always felt like it was second nature. It may seem like simple addition and subtraction but to a little 5yo brain it’s super important and keeps a link to dad when he gets to the office early every now and again.
He may not end up being an Astronaut (like he tells me he’s going to be), but I reckon he might have fond memories of the way we did this together.