Day 178 | At least it’s not the swimsuit edition...


Day 178 | At least it’s not the swimsuit edition...

Over the years you get called some names. It starts in school and later in life it generally happens behind your back but sometimes to your face. It’s not the most enjoyable experience. Since opening the new agency I’ve had a few names thrown at me, but one stuck out. Arrogant.

While secretly I was pretty pumped to be featured in the latest Elite Agent magazine, I was quite happy to just show it to my family and move on. That was until I copped some carry-on about being too ‘I-am’ and getting ‘too big for my boots’. It stemmed from this tiny little article where I talked about the need for agents to be more qualified these days. I wrote that I wanted to see a direct comparison from how much we get paid to the quality of work we put out. That’s all, but apparently that’s me thinking I run the real estate industry.

Truth be told, I’ve never had a problem with confidence. My mum and I used to joke about my tombstone one day saying, ‘He wasn’t arrogant, just very... very confident’. Sounds like I may have been a little arrogant come to think of it. In my younger days I worried more about myself than those around me but over the last few years I’ve flipped that around. Maybe that’s just part of growing older.

So, I’ll cop the arrogant tag. I’ll even continue to give out advice on what I think we can do as an industry to improve, because let’s face it, real estate can be murky sometimes. And hopefully the next magazine I’m in is Women’s Weekly so I don’t upset anyone.

Ps - Big congrats to Michelle Williams and Tameka Smith for their stories in the mag as well. Two absolute jets of our industry here in Tas.

#eliteagent #realestate #coverstory #confidentmuch #arrogantè #hudson365

Jazza Uptonh365