Day 130 | The Wise Man


Day 130 | The Wise Man

Decision making. It’s hard, right. It can be a struggle to even identify that you need a change let alone get the motivation to follow it through. Sometimes all it can take is one person to point you in the right direction.

About 20months ago, I caught up with a friend for a quick coffee and a debrief about life. I was pretty miserable. My home life was solid and I had all of Simone’s support but no amount of money and business success was giving me a sense of happiness. It felt like a waste. My mate told me to stop thinking about what could be and make a decision about my future. To chase that thing that I had in my head. That conversation spurred me to make a big change. And here we are now, only a little time has passed and I’m in the best position I’ve ever been in my life (except I still need to work on getting some biceps).

That mate was Jared Wiseman. Jared now heads up a coaching company that is smashing it all over the planet. His approach is unique and his skills are undeniable. It just works.

So whether it’s taking that leap to make a lifestyle change, getting fit or losing weight, starting that small business you’ve always wanted to, or just finding what makes you happy.... this event on the 22nd May in Devonport could be just what you need.

Jump on his page Jared Wiseman to grab your ticket. They are only $37 so grab some friends (the coolest ones) and come along.

I’ll be the bloke in the front row, taking it all in.

#wiseman #yoda #changeforgood

Jazza Uptonh365