Day 1024 | No Prize for 2nd Place


A couple of weeks ago Simone and I ventured down to Hobart for a Tasmanian Real Estate Industry awards night. Armed with a bow tie, a flash dress and sense of excitement, we rocked up to the casino and got ourselves ready.

Now I’m not often one for these types of nights, I tend to avoid them like the plague but in this case we were a finalist in the one category that I felt was really special… The Community Services Award.

The finalists are read out and with some sort of confidence, I buttoned up my jacket and took a big breath. The winner was announced…… and it wasn’t us.

For the next hour or so, I was flat. Really flat and genuinely sad. I’d worked so hard on putting some real passion into the things we do outside of selling houses and had hoped this would acknowledge that effort. We went to dinner and had one of the best meals I’ve ever had, which thankfully improved my mood ten-fold.

The next morning as we packed our bags to come home, I said to Simone that the reason I was so disappointed was because I felt that we punched well above our weight class when it comes to charity and community. We don’t ‘use’ charity to try and offset a poor reputation or pick popular causes to try and get more business. The support goes to things that we are super passionate about and have personal meaning to our team, and then we heavily back others that have the same drive for something close to their heart.

But mid conversation while she was telling me how I should be mega proud of what we do, I opened my phone to a message from someone else I also look up to saying ‘you don’t need a trophy to know you’re doing the right thing’.

So why did I need the approval of an award? Seems like I didn’t. For those that don’t know, when we started Hudson365 we set our ‘Tagline’ that summed up exactly what we were trying to achieve. A simple grouping of words that would hold us in good stead in any type of market knowing that we had a genuine reason behind all the real estate sales.

Purpose in Place.

So even with no flashy trophy, I really feel like we are on the right path.

#givedontgiveup #purposeinplace #notrophynoworries #hudson365

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