Day 88 | What SUP with you?
Day 88 | What SUP with you?
We all need a spell sometimes yeah? You can almost pin point that moment where you need some space. I’ve always worked big hours, I took great pride in being the first one there and the last to leave. I thought I had to do that to be successful.
A couple of weeks ago, I was tired. New business, balancing home and work, fitness and nutrition had gone out the window and I was consistently working 12-14 hours a day. In my old age I now get to a point where I know that I need a break, even if it’s just for an hour or two.
Photography superstar Heath Holden was home from working away and we took the chance to go out on the water for a paddle. We got out into the middle of the Mersey River, sat on our boards and caught up. It was just the headspace I needed.
Learn to identify when you need a break. Have a catch up with that great friend, turn off your phone and get lost in a book, take the dog for a walk, or crank up some Foo Fighters and pretend you’re a Dave Grohl for a few minutes. Whatever it is, take a breath. Everything will still be there when you’re done...