Day 311 | Who Needs Friends Anyway...


Day 311 | Who Needs Friends Anyway...

The bloke on the end (not me, the other fella) is Adam Watson. Watto and I have been mates for a fair while, and I was lucky enough to have him standing up the front with me at my wedding. That was almost 7 years ago and a lot has changed since then. That was the last time I actually saw him, up until last week.

Watto and his sensational (much) better half Alisha live in Canada, so I don’t get to see the big guy and we rarely text or msg. We catch up briefly every now and again via the magic of Facebook but haven’t really checked in a lot since that wonderful day in 2013.

Simone surprised me with a visit from these guys while they were in the country and we made the best of it. Vineyards and wine, then some more vineyards and then some more wine (and a cigar). It was like he never left. He’s the same dude he was back then, no bull-shit, no agenda, just a ripping bloke.

I guess the moral of the story is, you don’t have to live in your mates pockets to be close. It was 7 years between drinks for us and it might be another 7 between the next ones but ‘good friends’ are very hard to come by. And while he’s punching well above his weight and I’m still carrying a nice little headache from that day, he’s one of the best people I know.

#winewednesday #bryanadamsisfromcanada #thegreatman #hudson365

Jazza Uptonh365